Il bassista delle BUTCHER BABIES,  Jason Klein, ha annunciato la sua uscita dalla band per concentrarsi a tempo pieno sulla sua famiglia ed in particolare su sua figlia di 11 anni.

Jason Klein, da molti anni nella band, suonerà  con BUTCHER BABIES ancora per due spettacoli finali: il primo agosto a Gathering Of The Juggalos a Springville, Indiana e il 3 agosto a Pain In The Grass ad Auburn, Washington – prima di uscire definitivamente dal gruppo.

Klein ha scritto su Instagram:

Girare il mondo e suonare musica con i miei amici, sono esperienze che non sarebbero mai potute succedere senza BUTCHER BABIES . Questo è il mio addio a un decennio di vita che da bambino avrei potuto solo sognare. Ringrazio @carlaharvey @heidithebutcher @henryflury @chasethedrums @chrissywarnerdrums per tutti i bei momenti e ricordi! E soprattutto … vorrei ringraziarvi! Fan! Voi siete quelli che mi hanno fatto andare avanti notte dopo notte. Ringrazio tutti voi, il mio obbligo ora è di essere un padre per mia figlia, e di essere con lei mentre cresce. #Butherbabies



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My brother is moving on to focus on the most important job in the world. Being an amazing father!!! We love you, Jason. Thank you for a decade of incredible memories. We sure did accomplish a lot together. Now let’s go slay these last two fests!!! 🤘❤️🤘 #Repost @b_b_bassplayer ・・・ Getting to tour the world, playing music with my friends, experiences that could never have happened without Butcher Babies. This is my farewell to a decade of a life that I could only dream of as a kid. I want to thank @carlaharvey @heidithebutcher @henryflury @chasethedrums @chrissywarnerdrums for all the good times and memories! And most of all…I’d like to thank you! The fans! You guys are the ones that kept me going night after night, I thank you all! My obligation now is to be a father to my daughter, and be with her as she grows up. #butherbabies

Un post condiviso da Heidi Shepherd (@heidithebutcher) in data:


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The night I met @b_b_bassplayer we talked about two things: heavy metal and his daughter. He was helping some band load in and out that night at the HOB in the hopes that he’d get a gig playing bass for them. At the time @heidithebutcher and I were putting together @butcherbabies so when he told me how much he loved Cannibal Corpse, Anthrax and Van Halen I suggested he play with us instead 😂the rest is history. Our brother is now hanging up his bass to spend more time with his daughter, but I am beyond grateful for his friendship over the last decade that we have spent making music and touring the world together. Jason you are a stellar musician and even better father, I will miss you so much!! #butcherbabies #jasonklein

Un post condiviso da Carla Harvey (@carlaharvey) in data:


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