Il chitarrista Jonas Stålhammar dopo essere stato cacciato dagli AT THE GATES, è ora fuori anche dai THE LURKING FEAR, sempre senza riportare le motivazioni della separazione.

Il magazine online Metalsucks riporta la notizia dell’esistenza di una pagina Instagram @stalys_after_dark che denuncerebbe approcci e comportamenti sessuali inappropriati da parte del musicista, di carattere psicologico e avvenuti solo on line:

This was very difficult for me to write. It was even more difficult for me to block Jonas on Instagram. I really didn’t want it to come to this but this needs to be done. Jonas Stålhammar, guitarist for Swedish Melodic Death Metal band, At The Gates, coerced me, a fan, into an online sexual relationship with him that lasted for nearly a year. At the time, I didn’t even realize that he was coercing me and taking advantage of me. Him and At the Gates were my metal heroes. I didn’t want to believe that he was doing this to me. I believe that I developed Stockholm Syndrome dealing with this man. Over time, I started developing positive and romantic feelings towards him all while he was coercing me and continuously crossing my boundaries. This is in addition to him possibly lying to me about his marital status. It took me nearly a year to realize what he was doing to me and finally decided to remove myself from the situation. I don’t want anyone else to go through what I went through. Jonas psychologically damaged me to the point that I had to be admitted to a mental hospital for planning to take my own life. If Jonas did this to me, then he is likely doing this to other people, including fans. I am NOT trying to get Jonas or At The Gates “canceled”. I just want to spread awareness and warn other metalheads about this man’s irresponsible and inappropriate behavior. Even after all I went through with Jonas, I STILL love and respect this band, so please do not send hate to the other members. They likely have no idea about Jonas’ behavior towards fans. I know that I am all over the place with this but please bear with me. This was not an easy decision for me to make AT ALL. 

Al momento non risultano denunce alla polizia né il musicista ha fornito una replica.


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Un post condiviso da Anonymous (@stalis_after_dark)


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