RHAPSODY OF FIRE hanno annunciato il posticipo del loro tour europeo.

Saltano quindi per la band di Giacomo Voli i due concerti italiani previsti per il 19 febbraio 2022 al Revolver di San Donà  di Piave (VE) e per il 20 febbraio 2022 al Legend Club di Milano.

LLa dichiarazione della band:

Dear fans,

Due to the still ongoing live event restrictions and the uncertain developments within the months to come, we sadly have to reschedule our European tour.
We tried to keep the dates as originally planned as long as possible hoping the situation would have improved in extremis but, at this point, we had to make a definitive decision.
To all tickets holders: please keep yours!
We will be releasing the first new dates shortly. Stay Tuned!


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