Gravi disordini da parte del pubblico lo scorso 30 novembre al Knotfest di Parque Deportivo Oceanà­a, a Città  del Messico. La foola inferocita ha iniziato a devastare il palco e  le attrezzature dando poi fuoco alla batteria degli Evanescence, che erano pronti ad esibirsi, ma interrotti per ragioni di sicurezza.

Secondo le motivazioni che hanno spinto a sospendere il festival una barriera di protezione avrebbe ceduto e non sarebbe stata riparata in tempo, con conseguente annullamento degli show in programma. Una piccola parte del pubblico ha poi iniziato una rivolta, culminata con l’incendio dell’attrezzatura di Will Hunt, batterista della band di Amy Lee e ex di Vasco dal 2014 (Vasco Live Kom ‘014) al 2016 (Vasco Live Kom ‘016).

Il comunicato degli Slipknot sulla cancellazione:

“Due to unforeseen circumstances, Slipknot were not able to perform at last night’s Knotfest.

Security barricades became an issue, and it was decided that for the safety of the fans, neither Slipknot or special guests Evanescence could take the stage.

We had hoped to be able to perform today, but regrettably, a situation arose onstage after the cancellation that damaged or destroyed gear that would have been necessary to play.

We are extremely disappointed that we did not get the chance to perform, but the safety of our fans and our community is our biggest priority. We will look to get back to Mexico sometime in the future.


Nergal dei Behemoth la mette sul ridere, citando Machete e la rabbia dei Messicani:

Huh. I guess considering what happened yesterday at Knotfest Mexico AFTER we left I must draw my statement back now. No more bitching about the technical chaos on stage before and during the show coz at least”… we have played! And shortly after we all left to the hotel. Due to safety reasons (barricades went down) Evanescence and Slipknot have cancelled their shows and all hell broke lose and led to riots. Holy shit. Ever since I saw Machete I knew that u never fuck with angry Mexicans

Il batterista degli Evanescence ci è rimasto un po’ male, scrivendo un grosso post su instagram e postando la sua batteria incenerita, ma non prendendosela con il popolo Messicano, ma solo coi rivoltosi e dandogli dei deficienti:

“So, a lot of questions about this. First and foremost everyone is ok. We love Mexico and as a whole the fans are incredible. The riot that happened was a small group of morons and they WILL NOT change my love for the Mexican people or our fans in Mexico. As for the rest of it, here are my (somewhat comical) take aways.

“1st- Do you even riot bruh?! I mean, hell, if you’re gonna do it, REALLY do it!! Burn the whole fuckin’ thing down!!! What you pack of pu@$ies did was weak and stupid- JUST LIKE YOU. 2nd. If you’re gonna torch my beautiful @pearl_drums kit that meant the world to me (second video), at least cook some meat or marshmallows over the fire!! Fuckin’ weak ass pu@$y AMATEURS!! Again- weak and stupid JUST LIKE YOU. And 3rd- to the kind worker trying to clean up the mess- before you cart off my still smoldering kit (third video and because it used to rock so hard it’s still on fire!!) you should probably make sure the embers are out because IT CAUGHT BACK ON FIRE SMOKEY!!!

“So there ya go……… Moral of the story is don’t half ass anything…… least of which, your fucking riot, which again was WEAK AND STUPID JUST LIKE YOU FUCKING MORONS….”


Gli EVANESCENCE saranno in Italia il 14 APRILE 2020 al Mediolanum Forum di MILANO insieme ai WITHIN TEMPTATION 




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