Il chitarrista della Slayer ha annunciato tramite un post sul suo account ufficiale di Instagram, di dover abbandonare la band per le ultime date del tour d’addio per stare accanto al padre morente.

Al suo posto ci sarà  un sostituto di grande calibro, Phil Demmel dai Machine Head, che debutterà  oggi alla Royal Arena di Copenhagen e concluderà  il tour con le date del 5, 6 e 8 dicembre a Stoccolma, Oslo ed Helsinki.

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Full circle. Karma. It’s so crazy how things work out. I got a text less than 24 hours after I played my last MH note. 11 years ago (almost to the day), I had to leave a tour to fly home and be with my family when my father passes away. Some amazing dudes stepped in to cover for me and to help the band out. I am filling in for a legend who was replaced a legend in a legendary band on their farewell tour. Despite the fact that Slayer is the reason I wanted to play heavy music, it’s beyond my utmost honor to asked to do this. Learning 19 songs (Not just songs, SLAYER songs) has been a daunting task and I have worked very hard to do Gary and the entire camp proud. As we all here send our love and support to @garyholt_official as he goes through a life altering time, the rallying this camp has done is amazing. Thank you all for your support as I grab the baton for a few shows and fly the Bay Area flag high on stage right. And lastly, the biggest hero is @martarino for being so selfless after having her partner home for 2 days, sends him off to follow this crazy dream. All hail the Queen.

Un post condiviso da Phil Demmel (@demmelitionmh) in data:

Gli Slayer hanno appena annunciato che saranno Headliner al Rock The Castle a Villafranca.


Torna il Rock The Castle che vedrà  la sua seconda edizione il 5, 6 e 7 luglio all’interno del Castello Scaligero di Villafranca (VR). Una tre giorni di festival rock da vivere al 100% come esperienza e divertimento”… La prima grande sorpresa vogliamo darvela oggi, per iniziare la settimana con le corna alzate al cielo”… Comunichiamo che SLAYER saranno gli headliner dell’ultimo giorno ovvero del 7 luglio! Dopo il “sold out” della data al Mediolanum Forum, a grande richiesta Tom Araya, Kerry King & co. tornano sui palchi italiani per il loro “final show in Italy”. Sarà  uno concerto spettacolare, come ci hanno abituati durante tutta la loro carriera.
Non finisce qui: la seconda sorpresa di oggi è il ritorno in Europa del grandissimo PHIL ANSELMO che coi suoi THE ILLEGALS suonerà  ESCLUSIVAMENTE pezzi dei PANTERA!


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First things first, I want to say thank you to Berlin for the AMAZING show tonight!! BEST CROWD EVER! But what I’ve got to say has been very very hard for me these last ten days or so. My father is very near the end of his journey,I’ve been playing these last several shows with the heaviest of hearts.And with that heavy heart I have to announce I am leaving the Slayer European tour. I must return home to help care for my dad in his final moments. Tonight ended with me in tears while finishing Angel of death. But the crowd brought out the best in me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I love you all. And that having been said, I want EACH AND EVERY Slayer fan to give their biggest screams for Phil Demmel @demmelitionmh !! Bay Area legend!!! My dear friend, who having JUST finished a tour agreed to help me and the band out and learn an entire Slayer set in days and come out here so I can return home for my dad. Thank you Phil, you are family, love you bro! Please give him your warmest welcome.And most of all, I gotta thank @slayerbandofficial , @tomarayaofficial @paulbostaphofficial and Kerry King, you guys are TRULY my family, and have had my back through all what has been the roughest time in my life on tour. And thanks to our ENTIRE crew, and @lambofgod @anthrax and @obituaryband and their crews, knowing you all have been there for me through this, FAMILY. Love all of you. To my fans, thanks from the bottom of my black heart, I’ll be back in March to crush once more. And more than anything , thanks to my wife @lisaholt777 , had I been alone for this, my melt downs would have been even greater. Love you baby. See all of you soon. Thank you. And MUCH LOVE to my bros in Exodus! They know what’s going on, and no one has my back more @exodusbandofficial @zetrodus you guys are my rock

Un post condiviso da Gary Holt (@garyholt_official) in data:


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