A pochi mesi dall’uscita di Unlimited Love, che aveva visto il ritorno di John Frusciante, i Red Hot Chili Peppers hanno annunciato un altro nuovo album. Return of the Dream Canteen uscirà il 14 ottobre.

In un annuncio, la band ha confermato che, come Unlimited Love, è un doppio album. Questa non è una raccolta di lati B o scarti, ma piuttosto è “molto significativa” come l’album precedente. Come la versione precedente, contiene 17 brani.

La band ha scritto in una nota:

“We went in search of ourselves as the band that we have somehow always been. Just for the fun of it we jammed and learned some old songs. Before long we started the mysterious process of building new songs. A beautiful bit of chemistry meddling that had befriended us hundreds of times along the way. Once we found that slip stream of sound and vision, we just kept mining. With time turned into an elastic waistband of oversized underwear, we had no reason to stop writing and rocking. It felt like a dream. When all was said and done, our moody love for each other and the magic of music had gifted us with more songs than we knew what to do with. Well we figured it out. 2 double albums released back to back. The second of which is easily as meaningful as the first or should that be reversed. ‘Return of the Dream Canteen’ is everything we are and ever dreamed of being. It’s packed. Made with the blood of our hearts.”

Yours Truly,
The Red Hot Chili Peppers..

ìI preordini sono iniziati tramite il sito web della band . È disponibile in doppio vinile, CD, cassetta o download digitale.


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